AnalyzerPro Publications

AnalyzerPro Publications

AnalyzerPro is used worldwide by many talented and highly motivated scientists and it is always good to hear how they are using our product. We are grateful to those who have already shared their work with us and here you can see some of the interesting projects that our users are involved in. If you have an application which you would like to share with others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Quality Evaluation of Food Products Using Multivariate Analysis

The distinctive components between tomato juice products could be searched by capture of aromatic components with a headspace sampler and an non-targeted multivariate analysis by AnalyzerPro. An objective evaluation of the influence of differences in the types of raw materials/production process on aromatic components is possible by this approach.

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VOCCluster: Untargeted Metabolomics Feature Clustering Approach for Clinical Breath Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry Data

Metabolic profiling of breath analysis involves processing, alignment, scaling and clustering of thousands of features ex-tracted from Gas Chromatography Mass spectrometry (GC-MS) data from hundreds of participants.

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A metabolomics-based method for the analysis of wheat grain

For mass spectrometry (MS)-based metabolomics it is recommended to include the analysis of reference samples (preferably pooled study samples), as an added quality control (QC) measure at regular intervals throughout an analytical sequence.

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Automated comparison of Coffee Samples by GC-MS using AnalyzerPro

Advances in Mass Spectrometry and MS data processing are enabling the analysis of micro samples and unknown components that were not previously observed. As the volume of information acquired from MS instruments increases, researchers are calling for more simple techniques to analyse the numerous components observed.

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Uso del software AnalyzerPro para la desconvolución de datos de pesticidas GC-MS

La cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS) es una poderosa técnica analítica para identificar, confirmar y cuantificar compuestos orgánicos en matrices complejas

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Comparación automatizada de muestras de café por GC-MS con AnalyzerPro

Comparación automatizada de muestras de café por GC-MS con AnalyzerPro ASMS 2019.

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